Monday, March 30, 2015

The mailman stalker...


I have been stalking the mailman. Constantly looking out the window to see when he drives by, keeping track of his schedule so I know the time that he arrives each day, running after the mailbox once he pulls know. Just your average stalker. But at least I have a good reason for it.

You see, when you have a relationship where you can only communicate through letters and weekly brief emails, you seem to become somewhat of a "Stalker".

Each day since Jacob has been gone, I have waited and watched the mailman arrive and leave around 11:30 each morning. Only for me to go outside, with my heart pumping strong, hoping for a letter, opening the mailbox, and there be nothing in it for me. This happened each day for about eleven days. Eleven days doesn't seem like long to most people. But when you are used to talking with a person basically non stop for over eight months...Eleven days seems like an eternity.

The eleventh day came. March 28, 2015.

I was driving back home to Idaho from a weekend trip to Utah. When my phone began to ring. I picked it up, and my mom was on the phone. She told me "When you get home, look in the mailbox!" I FREAKED! Smiling from ear to ear, I knew it was a letter from Jacob! But I still had three hours left of driving. So naturally, I began to speed. About five minutes later, my brother called and informed me that Jacob had sent me FOUR letters! FOUR! At that point, I was driving like a Nascar driver! Zipping around corners, and flying through valleys to get home to read these letters I have waited so long to receive!

Once I finally arrived home, I ran to the mailbox, and found in the box, FIVE LETTERS! Are you kidding me!? My heart was filled with love and happiness! And as I rushed off to my room to read them, my heart felt the missing pieces from him leaving, wonder back. His sweet words were just what I needed to hear. And to know he was doing well, put my worried mind as ease. Apparently he had been sending me letters all along. The MTC just decided to mail them out on the same day, so five letters in one day, was just fine for me!

So yes. I will continue to stalk my mailman. The feelings I get when I get those letters, are way too good to not be a stalker of this poor old innocent man who delivers my mail each day. You know, just your average stalker. But at least I have a perfectly good reason for doing so.

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