Tuesday, March 24, 2015

First Email...

As the first monday rolled around, I was so excited to finally get an email from him! Even though it had only been a few days since he had left, It felt like ages! 9:00 went by....10:00 went by...still no email. Then it got to around 5:00 that day, and I knew he wasn't going to send an email that day. I guess not all missionaries have P-day on mondays like I thought. Or at least it is different in the MTC. That made my day just drag on. All I wanted to hear was that he was okay.

Slowly but surely, Tuesday March 24, 2015 came! The day also went so slow...constantly checking my emails to see if he was on...Then finally, at 3:54pm, I GOT IT! The email I have been waiting for! Such a great feeling to know he was still alive and working hard in training to be a missionary. He let me know that he was okay, and the MTC was stressful,  but it has helped him grow closer to Heavenly Father by turning to prayer. He also mentioned how him and a few other elders had fun doing LDS rap battles. And apparently he was pretty good at it. ;) "The other elders in my district are really fun guys and last night when we went to take showers we ended up having a little rap battle about the gospel in the showers. It was so funny seeing a bunch of white guys try to rhyme simple appropriate words about the gospel while following a beat. I must have had the spirit with me or something because I actually went on for 6 or 7 lines in this gospel rap. I wasn't sure if it was sacrilegious to do that, but I think we are going to be okay. "

So funny!

I sure do love him. And am so beyond proud of him! So ready to get that first letter to know more of how everything is going! It's just hard because they don't get much time in the MTC for emails. But it's okay. He has better things to focus on for a couple years, and even though it's hard, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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