When I think of my mission story there are a few decisive moments in m life that really influenced me to go. Growing up as a member of the church, I always answered yes when I was asked if I wanted to serve a mission but all along I was never sure that I actually wanted to go. The overshadowing aspect of wanting to be a Division One athlete always loomed over my desire to serve a mission. When high school came around and all my siblings started to go on missions and came home, I saw the light that they came home with and the change in heart that their mission brought. This of course made the decision of playing college sports even harder , but in the end that was the decision I made. I agreed to play at Oregon State University for four years and with that decision came the thought that I would probably never serve a mission. Little did I know that within four or five months of being at OSU my decision would be completely shaken, making me unsure of what I wanted to do. The first defining moment that really made me want to serve a mission was the death of my mother earlier this year in January. My faith was shaken and when I was at the lowest point in my whole life, I turned to heavenly father for answers. I asked if the church was really true, and if I would ever see my mother again, and without any delay in response, I was given the answer that I most definitely would. I felt her presence around me constantly and after solidifying my testimony of the gospel, I decided that if I knew that I could always be with my family forever, that I wanted to tell others that they could always be with their families forever. I want to be very clear with this. My mother dying is not the reason why I am serving a mission, however the truth of knowledge and the strengthening of faith that I gained from her passing is what has pushed me towards having a stronger desire to go. As time passed and I headed home from my freshman year of college, my life plateaued spiritually and in many of the relationships I had made. It was hard being home where my mom had always been an due to this, negative feelings and depression crept into my life. I had no motivation to start my papers, and I had no one in my life that helped me want to become a better person. Then on July 6th 2014, all those things changed when I met Kortney Peterson. Her personality and her desire to live a wholesome lifestyle brought me back to reality and helped me refocus on what was important in life and why I really needed to go on a mission as soon as possible. This of course was a process that took place over time as I was home and as I attended BYU Hawaii in the fall. She is the person who has had the largest impact on me and my decision to serve a mission. The last thing that really had an impact on me serving a mission was attending BYU Hawaii and being around older men who are far more wise because they served a mission. Being around people who have the true light of Christ has helped me immensely.
Kortney's side of the story:
After a while of Jacob and I hanging out daily, he had kinda talked about maybe going on a mission. And by him saying that, I was so excited! I love missionaries, and what they do for the world, and what they do for our church! It honestly makes me so happy! So to know someone that I cared about, was wanting to serve one, was so awesome to me!
But I could tell that he was kinda in the air about it still. I wasn't quite sure why, but I was going to do all I could to get him out on this mission! A few weeks into knowing Jacob, his older brother, Nate, called the home phone. He is in the air force, so he wasn't currently living at home. After he got done talking with his sisters, he asked if he could talk to me, So of course, I answered the phone! As he was talking, he asked my name, and a little about me, and then one thing I always remembered talking to him about, was me making sure I don't keep Jake from going out on his mission! And of course, I would never. But I made that promise to Nate. And ever since that promise, I made sure that a mission came up more in our conversations, and that we would go to church, and institute, and other church activities together to keep our relationship spiritual based. As time went on, and as we did those things, he really did start talking more and more about a mission.
When he left for BYU Hawaii for soccer, and I left for school in Provo, Utah, the long distance began. It was harder to talk because of our busy lives, but I always made sure that the mission was brought up as much as possible.
About a month ago, in October 2014, was the first time I really saw him begin to act on his mission planning. I could see his side of things to why he was having a harder time leaving. He's on full ride scholarship for soccer. Why would he want to stop that and go on a mission? He has so much going for him in the soccer world! But, he finally got down, and saw what he could do serving the people, vs himself. He explained how he wanted to serve. Even though it will be extremely hard. But also how he is now so excited about it!
Because of school and my business, I am not as able to leave on a mission myself as I would so very much love to. I talked to Jake about this, and he explained to me, that he is going on a mission for himself, the people, and for the Lord of course. But, he is also serving it for me. He told me how, without meeting me, he's not so sure if he would have gone on a mission. But because of my influence to try to get him out to serve, he is also serving for me. Each person he helps, each person he converts, it will be as if I was out there serving, and helping the people as well.
My heart and mind are flying in so many different directions. It will be so hard loosing not only my boyfriend, but my best friend for two whole years. Limited to hand written letters, and once a week emails. But it is what is best, and what should happen. I am so beyond excited for him to go out and serve the Lord. I know without a doubt he will be great!
It will be hard. But it will be worth it. <3